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empowering sustainable manufacturing begins with CPQ

Tacton’s Environmental Footprint Configuration: Empowering Sustainable Manufacturing

Empowering sustainable manufacturing begins with new solutions

Over the last decade many businesses have put a major emphasis on sustainability, these diverse companies have actively pursued strategies to minimize their environmental impact. Manufacturing is no different, and the industry is responsible for a large share of global CO2 emissions.  

However, thanks to technological advancements and innovative solutions, companies now have the means to integrate sustainability into their operations. At Tacton our latest innovation, Environmental Footprint Configuration, is doing just that.  

Let’s explore the capabilities and benefits of Tacton’s Environmental Footprint Configuration and how it is revolutionizing sustainable manufacturing. 

Understanding Environmental Footprint Configuration: 

Environmental Footprint Configuration helps manufacturers configure products using data sourced through life cycle assessment (LCA) software. Leveraging LCA information usually requires manual work from experts, taking several days for just one configuration. 

With the new integration to LCA software this calculation is automated and can result in significant cost savings. Tacton is purpose-built to integrate seamlessly with any LCA data sources. Incorporating Tacton CPQ with Environmental Footprint Configuration will help customers make informed choices that will help reduce their footprint. 

Tacton CPQ empowers manufacturers by providing them with extensive emissions data encompassing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, leveraging LCA data and Environmental Footprint Configuration. This enables manufacturers to assess and enhance the environmental impact of their products throughout the entire product lifecycle. 

By considering factors such as material selection, energy consumption during use, transportation, and end-of-life disposal, businesses can now make informed decisions that prioritize environmental consciousness, facilitated by the capabilities of configuration. Empowering sustainable manufacturing  starts with understanding the impact of products.

Don’t forget to sign up for our latest webinar:

Environmental Footprint Configuration for B2B Manufacturers WEBINAR – SEPTEMBER 19, 3:00 PM CET | 8:00 AM CDT

What business value does Environmental Footprint Configuration provide?  

Avoid manual LCA calculations for reporting or selection of products 

Manual LCA calculations can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, requiring extensive data collection, analysis, and modeling. Automating these calculations by having the LCA data integrated to advanced software systems, such as Tacton CPQ, saves valuable time and resources, allowing businesses to focus on other critical tasks. 

Instant footprint calculations for every selection:  

As users make selections within Tacton CPQ, the system provides real-time feedback on the environmental impact of those choices. Instant notifications and visual indicators highlight the footprint implications of specific configurations, enabling users to immediately assess the environmental consequences of their decisions. This feedback loop empowers users to explore alternative options and actively reduce the footprint while configuring the product. 

Optimize solutions for the lowest carbon footprint:  

Tacton CPQ integrates comprehensive environmental footprint data, including emissions, energy consumption, waste generation, and other relevant metrics. This data serves as the foundation for the optimization process, providing a detailed understanding of the environmental impact associated with different product configurations. 

Balance sustainability with other investment needs:  

By combining Tacton’s real-time price calculations with reduced footprint product selections within the configurator, buyers can promptly see the associated pricing. This empowers buyers to strike a balance between environmental sustainability and other investment considerations throughout the purchasing process. The immediate availability of pricing information enables informed decision-making that encompasses both the environmental impact and financial aspects of the purchase. 

Share carbon footprint with both customers and regulators: 

The footprint estimates generated in Tacton CPQ can be seamlessly integrated into quote documents, as well as utilized for ESG reporting purposes. This integration significantly reduces compliance costs by making environmental impact as commonplace as a price tag. By incorporating footprint estimates into various documents and reporting requirements, businesses can effectively streamline their compliance efforts while prioritizing environmental considerations alongside financial aspects. 

Generate new revenue and higher margin opportunities  

Incorporating sustainability into the configuration and quoting process with Environmental Footprint Configuration gives businesses a competitive edge. As environmental consciousness becomes more prevalent among customers, companies that can offer sustainable product options gain a distinct advantage over competitors. This differentiation can lead to increased market share, customer loyalty, and ultimately, higher revenue and margins. 

Improved branding and reputation 

By utilizing Environmental Footprint Configuration to offer sustainable product configurations, businesses can convey a strong sustainability message to their target audience. This commitment to environmental responsibility and conscious consumption resonates with customers who prioritize sustainable practices. Aligning the brand with sustainability values enhances its reputation as a socially responsible company, attracting environmentally conscious consumers. 

Improved stakeholder relationships: 

Sustainability-focused initiatives can strengthen relationships with stakeholders, including investors, employees, and business partners. Investors increasingly value sustainable practices, and a strong sustainability branding can attract socially responsible investors. Additionally, employees are more engaged and motivated when working for a company that prioritizes sustainability. Collaborating with like-minded business partners can also lead to mutually beneficial relationships and collaborations. 

Empowering sustainable manufacturing is the next challenge for businesses

In the pursuit of sustainable manufacturing practices, Tacton’s Environmental Footprint Configuration can be a powerful ally for businesses. By providing real-time insights, customizable sustainability metrics, collaboration features, cost optimization, and compliance assistance, this tool empowers manufacturers to make environmentally responsible decisions.  

As companies strive to reduce their environmental impact and meet the demands of a sustainability-focused market, integrating tools like Tacton’s Environmental Footprint Configuration Tool becomes increasingly vital. By leveraging this technology, manufacturers can embark on a path towards a greener future, minimizing their environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable world. 

Author: Michael Brassea