Tacton Academy
Learn the skills you need to launch your successful CPQ project with our Academy team; in-person, remotely or via e-learning. Our courses are run by certified CPQ specialists that work to maximize your learning and engagement in a collaborative way with your team. If you do not find the course you are looking for in our course schedule, please contact us, by using the form below, for a custom scheduled training.
Our Course Offerings
ILT - Remote or In Person classroom
Academy offers Instructor-Led-Trainings (ILT) with the same hands-on experience you’d receive at an in-person session from the comfort of your home office. Using two monitors is recommended during remote trainings.
Or choose our in-person classes at our Tacton training sites, or in your office.
Participant limit Remote: 3 – 8 persons per session
Participant limit In Person: 3 – 12 persons per session
Many of our courses exist as e-learnings, providing you with the possibility to learn at your own pace. To learn more about our E-learning courses check out our course catalog below or contact Tacton Academy at academy@tacton.com.
How do you tell the world about all your knowledge? To validate your knowledge of the Tacton products we offer you to become certified within our different products. This enhances your credibility when working and increases your confidence. Read more (PDF)
Upcoming Courses
Courses Catalog
Tacton CPQ Basic Training
The objective for this course is to cover the basics of Tacton CPQ and is a prerequisite for the other CPQ courses. It is the introductory course to Tacton CPQ and the administration. The course explains the different actions in Tacton CPQ, the main workflow and the objects involved.
Course length: 1/2 day + E-Learning preparations
Tacton CPQ Application Configuration
This course is for those who do the initial configuration of the Tacton CPQ application, and for those who need to make changes or extensions to the object models. It covers the interface to the product configuration model, pricing model, quotation templates and integrations.
Course length: 2 days
Tacton CPQ Pricing
Pricing training explains how to create and maintain pricing models within Tacton CPQ. It contains a general introduction to pricing and practical exercises.
Course length: 1 day + E-Learning
Tacton CPQ Document Generation
An introduction to Tacton document generator products, hands-on exercises with Tacton CPQ to get a basic understanding of the Tacton document generation solution.
Course length: 1 day
Tacton CPQ Expressions
The goal of this course is to introduce participants to the basics of using expressions in Tacton CPQ. It focuses on explaining what expressions are, why we use them and where as well as some best practices and where to find more information.
Course length: 1 day
Tacton CPQ Upskill
Are you making the most out of the latest CPQ features and enhancements? This course aims to give a rundown of key enhancements and new features released in Tacton CPQ during the last 6 months. The focus will be on the main enhancements and features that have been released.
Course length: 2 hours + E-Learning
System Configuration Basic Training
System Configuration Basic Training gives an introduction to the Tacton modeling products, specifically System Configuration. The course offers hands-on work with System Configuration in Tacton Administration as well as a basic understanding of Tacton ’s back-end products and solutions. The goal of the course is for participants to be able to translate their own product knowledge, data and processes into a Tacton configuration model as well as be able to set up and maintain the modeling part of a Tacton Configurator project on their own.
Course length: 1.5 days
Product Modeling Basic Training
An introduction to the Tacton Product modeling. Participants will work hands-on with product modeling in Tacton Administration, to get a basic understanding of Tacton back-end products and solutions.
Course length: 3 days + 2 hour E-Learning Costing in Product Models
Product Modeling Methodology Training
An overview of how to create successful, easily maintained models. Participants will learn the tools and how to structure a model in order to make for a successful implementation.
Course length: 1.5 days
Product Modeling Upskill
Are you making the most out of the latest Product Modeling features and enhancements? This course aims to give a rundown of key enhancements and new features released in Tacton Product Modeling during the last 6 months. The focus will be on the main enhancements and features that have been released.
Course length: 2 hours + E-Learning
Modeling Basic Training
An introduction to the Tacton modeling products. Participants will work hands-on with TCstudio, to get a basic understanding of Tacton back-end products and solutions.
Course length: 2 days
Modeling Methodology Training
An overview of how to create successful, easily maintained models. Participants will learn the tools and how to structure a model in order to make for a successful implementation.
Course length: 2 days
Modeling Testing Training
The course gives the participants a foundation for quality assurance in projects. The training is based on using the Testbench, which is a part of TCstudio, and by using debugging methods. The course offers a mix of both theoretical parts, as well as practical hands-on exercises.
Course length: 1 day
Modeling Advanced Training
Theoretical introduction as well as practical hands-on experience of the more advanced and powerful concepts and tools available in the Tacton modelling tool (TCStudio).
Course length: 2 days
Modeling Performance
Do you want to know how the configurator works behind the scenes? How does it find a solution quick and efficient. What happens during the interaction with the configurator. This presentation will give you a look at how the configurator works. It also provides you with tips on how to improve model performance.
Course length: 1 hour
Tacton CPQ Visualization
The visualization logic controls what parts of the visualization to show where and when and even how. This course teaches how to control the visualization based on the interaction with product configuration and the user.
Course length: 2 days
Tacton CPQ integration to MS Dynamics 365
This course provides technical insight into the Tacton CPQ standard option “Integration to MS Dynamics 365”. It addresses the system installation and setup, discusses common scenarios and challenges and leads the participants through an implementation of one scenario.
Course length: 1 day
Tacton CPQ integration to Salesforce
This course provides technical insight into the Tacton CPQ standard option “Integration to Salesforce”. It addresses the system installation and setup, discusses common scenarios and challenges and leads the participants through an implementation of one scenario.
Course length: 1 day
Tacton CPQ – Customer Self Service API
This course provides technical insight into the Tacton CPQ API for Customer Self-Service, used to integrate with external 3rd party web applications. It addresses the system setup
and the different components of the API, to give the participant an great overview. The course, which is an e-learning, consists of a mix of both theoretical parts as well as practical hands-on exercises.
Course length: 1.5 days
CAD Automation for Autodesk Inventor
This course is for participants that want to learn the CAD Automation for Autodesk Inventor product. It includes both hands-on work with Tacton CPQ Product Modeling and Tacton CAD Mapping Editor, as well as gain a basic understanding of the product.
Course length: 2 days
CAD Automation for PTC Creo
This course is for participants that want to learn the CAD Automation for PTC Creo product. It includes both hands-on work with Tacton CPQ Product Modeling and Tacton CAD Mapping Editor, as well as gain a basic understanding of the product.
Course length: 2 days
CAD Automation for SOLIDWORKS
This course is for participants that want to learn the CAD Automation for SOLIDWORKS product. It includes both hands-on work with Tacton CPQ Product Modeling and Tacton CAD Mapping Editor, as well as gain a basic understanding of the product.
Course length: 2 days
TDA for Autodesk Inventor
An introduction to Tacton Design Automation products. Participants will work hands-on with Tacton Design Automation Studio and Tacton Design Automation Engineer to get a basic understanding of the Tacton Design Automation solution for Inventor.
Course length: 2.5 days
An introduction to Tacton Design Automation products. Participants will work hands-on with Tacton Design Automation Studio and Tacton Design Automation Engineer to get a basic understanding of the Tacton Design Automation solution for SOLIDWORKS.
Course length: 2.5 days
TDA for PTC Creo
An introduction to Tacton Design Automation products. Participants will work hands-on with Tacton Design Automation Studio and Tacton Design Automation Engineer to get a basic understanding of the Tacton Design Automation solution for PTC Creo.
Course length: 2.5 days
How do you tell the world about all your knowledge? To validate your knowledge of the Tacton products we offer you to become certified within our different products. This enhances your credibility when working and increases your confidence.
CPQ Basic Certification
This certification is designed for participants who have recently gone through the first Tacton CPQ trainings, CPQ Basic training and CPQ Application configuration. A major part of the certification is practical assignments and the participant will also learn a lot during the certification process. The certification is normally done remotely.
Course length: 2-3 days
CPQ Advanced Certification
This level 2 certification is designed for participants who have done the CPQ Basic Certification – level 1 and also gone through the Tacton CPQ trainings; CPQ Basic training, CPQ Application configuration, CPQ Pricing, CPQ Document Generation and CPQ Expression. The certification includes a test and practical assignments and is normally done remotely.
Course length: 2-3 days
Product Modeling Certification
Academy-Modeling-Certification-102 is designed for participants who have recently gone through Product Modeling Basic Training. As a major part of the certification is practical work, the participant will learn a lot also during the certification process. The certification is done remotely after completion of the modeling training.
Course length: 4 days
Product Modeling Advanced Certification
The Advanced Product Modeling Certification, Academy-PROMO-Certification-201, is designed for participants who have modeling experience from multiple modeling projects using Product Modeling in Tacton Administration. A significant part of the certification is to show their knowledge in modeling by presenting an actual modeling project. The certification is usually done remotely.
Course length: 4 days
Modeling Certification
The certification is designed for participants who have recently gone through the first modeling training week; Modeling Basic, Methodology and Testing. As a major part of the certification is practical work, the participant will learn a lot also during the certification process. The certification is normally done remotely.
Course length: 4 days
Advanced Modeling Certification
Advanced Modeling Certification, Academy-Modeling-Certification-201, is designed for participants who have modeling experience from multiple modeling projects. A significant part of the certification is to show their knowledge in modeling by presenting an actual modeling project. The certification is usually done remotely.
Course length: 4 days
TCsite for Administrators
This is the TCSite for Administrators course. It does not cover any modeling concepts and is purely aimed at the person implementing the TCSite installation at a customer site. The course consists of PPT presentations as well as a live walk-through of TCSite.
Course length: 0.5 day
TCsite Document Generation
An introduction to Tacton document generator products, hands-on exercises with TCdocgen in TCSite and TCStudio to get a basic understanding of the Tacton document generation solution.
Course length: 1 day
TCsite for Modelers
Teaches modelers how to create models and customize the UI for the TCSite sales application. Using a combination of model tags and TCSite resources, participants will carry out hands-on exercises that adapt a model so that it looks and works the way a professional model should in TCSite.
Course length: 1/2 day
TCsite Developers Basic Training
Designed for participants who want to gain an understanding of the inner workings of TCsite. Participants will also gain practical experience in modifying and extending the functionality of TCsite.
Course length: 5 days
TCsite Developers Advanced Training
For experienced developers who want to extend their knowledge of TCsite. The goal of the course is for participants to gain the knowledge to design and lead work on large TCsite customizations and integration.
Course length: 5 days
Sign up for a course
Please fill in the form to register for scheduled courses, or to request a tailored training session. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note, course dates are subject to change.