Our Climate Offsets
Tacton's line of business as a software developer has an environmental impact. We estimate our climate footprint yearly and take actions to reduce it. As part of our commitment to mitigating our climate impact, we compensate for emissions by investing in different types of solutions, some nature-based, that have verified environmental and social benefits

2023 – Supporting air travels with lower climate impact
In 2023 we invested in two different climate compensation solutions, one for renewable power generation and one related to aviation fuel production.
In La Esperanza, Honduras, there is a small hydropower plant that supplies 25,000 households with clean renewable electricity. Our investment contributes to keep it operating. Honduras: Small hydropower plant – atmosfair
Climate impact from business travel by air is a major contributor to our overall climate footprint.
We supported the development of a pilot plant for SAF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel. The development is made by Solarbelt-Fair Fuel GmbH with a plant located in Germany.
By these two actions we compensated for 50% of the climate emissions caused by Tactonites air travel to 2023 kick-off.”

2024 – nature-based solution and chef’s well being
In early 2024 we supported two projects via Climate Partner, when we offset over 100% of the impact of air travel to this year’s kick-off. These projects meet the highest standards and are third-party reviewed.
One project is related to forest protection in Brazil, as a nature-based solution. The other project – Improved cookstoves – is more of a combined social and environmental impact project, countrywide in Zambia. In Zambia, household air pollution is one of the biggest health risks. The reason for the pollution is often cooking over open fires. This supports several sustainable development goals